2021年3月9日 星期二

Oracle EBS: 料號建立後, UOM是否可修改?

問題: 料號建立後, UOM是否可修改?

依Oracle文件所列, 12.2.9之前不行, 在12.2.9及之後的版本才有新功能.


If item is newly created and NOT yet used in any transactions, then you can delete item using delete group functionality (Inventory > Items > Delete Items) and recreate the item.

Navigate to Inventory

Delete Items

Enter a Delete Group

Pick a Delete Group Type

Enter the Description

Enter Items to delete

Click Save


Inactivate the item with bad UOM in future and create/replace it with new item with required UOM definition.

Navigate to Inventory


Query the Item with the wrong UOM

Change the Item Status to Inactive

Click Save


If the item has been transacted and has no outstanding orders, purchase orders or WIP jobs you can do the following if approved by your management.

Rename the existing item 'XYZ' to 'XYZ-Wrong UOM' and save the item (Here Naming is just an example, you can use your own nomenclature).

Navigate to Sysadmin

Set the profile INV: Updateable Item name to"Yes"

Navigate to Inventory Responsibility > Items> Master Items

Query the item number which is to be modified

The item name/number can be modified

Reset the value once required changes are done


1.How to Update and or Change Item Unit of Measure (UOM) (Doc ID 1360479.1)

2.Item Setup FAQ (Doc ID 111742.1)

3.INVIDITM - How to Rename Inventory Items (Doc ID 255560.1)