2019年4月8日 星期一

Oracle EBS: ASCP執行memory-based snapshot worker時error

狀況: 出現以下error:

Calendar problem : mssdds_snp_other_demnads: 2458850 2458850 179

APP-MRP-22064: An internal error has occurred (mssdds_snp_other_demands, 1)

APP-MRP-20075: An internal error has occurred (mrsngi_snp_gross_rqmts, 8, , )
@ERRORTET     Cause:     The current routine encountered the specified@ERRORTEXT x

APP-MRP-20075: An internal error has occurred (mrsndi_snp_demand_info, 8, , )
@ERRORTET     Cause:     The current routine encountered the specified@ERRORTEXT x

APP-MRP-20075: An internal error has occurred (mrnspxt, 19, 10008, )
@ERRORTET     Cause:     The current routine encountered the specified@ERRORTEXT x

APP-MRP-20075: An internal error has occurred (mrnspgpt, 14, 202, 10008, )
@ERRORTET     Cause:     The current routine encountered the specified@ERRORTEXT x

APP-MRP-20075: An internal error has occurred (main, 13, , )
@ERRORTET     Cause:     The current routine encountered the specified@ERRORTEXT x

原因:ASCP plan的日期區間超過calendar的日期區間, 也有SO的日期超過calendar的範圍


  select to_date(&julian_number,'j')Julian
    from dual;

2.確認organization所使用的calendar, 並延長設定日期至少五年 (BOM/Setup/Calendars)

3.Rebuild calender (Tools/Build)

4.執行data collections

5.重執行ASCP plan

1.MSCNSP Memory Based Snapshot On An Unconstrained Plan Errors With Calendar problem : APP-MRP-22064 mrsngs_snp_gross_rqmts (Doc ID 421723.1)


